When a product is sent in creation mode, the module does not send the image feed, there is a technical reason for this; On Amazon, processings are done in parallel on multiple servers, each feed can be processed by a different server, so if the module sent the image feed along with the product feed, […]
Category: Frequent Issues
Update from version 3.9 to version 4.x – Frequent Issues
You get to this page, it indicates that you have asked a recurrent question to support and that the answer is here; 1) “Profiles” tab no longer appears; It is normal to make usage easy to neophytes, creating products has been made optional, leaving the time to the user to become familiar with the module. […]
The module automatically sends keywords to Amazon. The module takes keywords present on the product sheet in Information tab, Keywords (tags): On previous versions of PrestaShop, the module takes the keywords from SEO tab, Keywords (Meta Keywords). And sends them on Amazon in the appropriate fields: Note that it is often required that the […]
FastCGI Some hosts operate under FastCGI and other by mod_php. The general usage for PrestaShop installations is mod_php. Our modules provide all kinds of diagnoses based on working with mod_php, only because it is the PrestaShop standard. We remind you that we indicate systematically on our product sheets that our solutions are made to […]
PHP configuration limitations
You are having technical problems with the module, we will redirect you to this page. A PHP Info tab is available in the module information tab, see this page: Click on PHP Info. Look in it for the most frequently encountered and necessary limitations for the proper functioning of the module, they are: – […]
After upgrading the module
After upgrading the module, we recommend that you perform the following steps to be sure that a malfunction does not come from a badly saved configuration or from the cache; 1 – Save the module configuration: Go to Modules > Amazon and click on “Save the Configuration” button, it has the effect of saving all […]
A value was not provided for “bullet_point1”
In the report, for product feed, you get one or more messages like this one: Message: 1 Warning 99041: SKU: LFTM59011RD – A value was not provided for “bullet_point1”. Please provide a value for “bullet_point1”. This information appears on the product detail page and helps customers evaluate products. On your product sheets extension, you have […]
No lang selected, nothing to do
You cron log reports this message : No lang selected, nothing to do … You configured the cron job to execute this command line : wget -qO- http://votredomaine.com/prestashop/modules/amazonv5/functions/products.php?cron=1 You should add double quotes to protect your URL, as this : wget -qO- “http://votredomaine.com/prestashop/modules/amazonv5/functions/products.php?cron=1” We just added double quotes to the URL.
You cannot change the ‘item_classification’ for SKU ‘XXX-YYY’ by submitting a feed with a new value
You try to send your products by sending the product feed (creation), but in the report you get an error message like this one: Message: 1 Error 8603: SKU: XXX-YYY – You cannot change the ‘item_classification’ for SKU ‘XXX-YYY’ by submitting a feed with a new value. To change this attribute, do the following: 1) […]
The (EAN/UPC) code seems wrong. Skipping Product.
The export log reports a message like this one: Inconsistency for the product XXX-YYY(0/1) – The EAN/UPC code(4000005280510) seems wrong. Skipping product. In most cases, unless exempted, EAN code is mandatory to export to the marketplaces. EAN field for your product is certainly wrong, it does not correspond to an EAN code issued by the […]