Carriers/Modules are inactive and reported;


Let’s say you have a carrier Relais Colis;

Why is it incompatible?

Relais Colis is not a normal carrier but a carrier/module.

This means that this carrier expects interactivity with a human user (display of a page, selection of a collection point).

As the marketplace module is an automaton, not a human; it is not possible to respond to this interactivity.

The carrier/module expectation of a response to this interactivity request can make the module crash, the success of the expected operation (for example, importing an order).

So by default carriers/modules are excluded in our marketplace modules.

What is the solution?

The solution is to create, in Delivery > Carriers tab, an inactive independent carrier Relais Colis, called for example Relais Colis (Marketplace).

So you can associate it with our modules and will not appear in your front office.

Is there an alternative ?

In expert mode, a derogatory configuration is possible, however, you will not take advantage of any form of support on it nor on the resulting consequences; for example issues in importing orders.

That is why we recommend the solution mentioned above.

