Having products of different product typologies in the same category is a recurring support request, this page was created for this purpose.

Say you’re selling shirts with size and color field attributes.

Your product sheet combination tab for a shirt will look like this;


The configuration of your profile will establish the relationship between PrestaShop and Amazon fields, so it will be like;


Once mappings are filled in, you can then export all your products corresponding to this typology, that is, all the shirts that have a size and color filled in.

However, it happens that the products have no size field, for example, one size shirts.

This appears as a mismatch for the module because Size and Color fields are required in this case, so the module will refuse to export these products.

Two scenarios are possible;

  1. The product type is used to specify a default value, as appropriate, in this case you will indicate “Unique”, for Unique Size, the problem is solved;

profile 2


2. The product type does not allow to specify a default value because the mapping is a closed list of valid values, in this case, these operations should then be followed;

  • Create a specific subcategory for these products
  • Set these products in this subcategory
  • Create a specific profile for this category

The problem is then solved.

