You try to send your products in Creation Mode, but you get an error message in the report like this one:
Message: 1 Error 8603: SKU: XXX-YYY - You cannot change the 'item_classification' for SKU 'XXX-YYY' by submitting a feed with a new value. To change this attribute, do the following: 1) Submit a feed to delete the existing SKU. 2) Submit a feed to recreate the SKU with the updated 'item_classification'.
Please read first the page “Differentiate well between an offer and a product“.
We’re talking here of the product type that can be found in the module configuration, in the profiles:
Beforehand, we must understand that on Amazon, the “Product Type” field is a persistent and inalienable attribute, product type is assigned once, at the same time as the EAN and/or UPC code and cannot change during the life cycle of the product.
Two cases are considered:
Exclusive Product
You are exclusive for the product, meaning that there are no other sellers that exported before you this product on Amazon.
This would indicate that you have previously exported the product to Amazon with a different product type.
Amazon does not allow to change the “Product Type” field.
If you want to change this field, you must completely remove the product, wait 24 hours and export it again. Even so, it is possible that the presence of this product persists, then we could do anything, Amazon seller support should be contacted.
Shared Product
You share this product, meaning that the product had an existence on Amazon before or that there are several vendor offers for this product.
There is no possibility in this case to change the type, you must change the export strategy for this product, you cannot export it in creation mode unless you know the actual product type on Amazon, if so, set to this product the same product type, via its profile.
You will therefore choose to export in synchronization mode, the result will be the same if you then check the box “Data Ranges”, all possible fields (and configured in the module) will be exported to Amazon.