You get an error message like this one:

AJAX execution failed. Please first verify your module configuration. If the problem persists please send a screenshot of this page to the support.

Different possibilities, the most common is that the domain name you use does not match the domain name configured in your Prestashop settings, your web browser sees a cross request between different domains which is a security issue prohibited by the browser itself.

Example, you log into your back office with the following URL:

In your Prestashop configuration you have configured:

Solution: You must use the same URL and log in to your store with the URL that is configured, so as in this example;

Other possibilities :

1 – You are hosted by a host, for example OVH, with safety rules concerning the execution of Ajax script. Follow the recommendations of your provider about permissions on folders and files.

Troubleshooting guide for OVH:

2 – Your store is in maintenance or the front office of your store is not accessible, redirection or otherwise. It is not compatible with the functioning of the module, the module will only work if the store also works.
