
The module was developed and tested for the following Amazon platforms:

– Amazon France
– Amazon Italy
– Amazon Spain
– Amazon UK
– Amazon Germany
– Amazon U.S.
– Amazon Canada
– Amazon Japan
– Amazon China
– Amazon India

Version 4 of the module works on Prestashop 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7.


The module is pre-configured for use in the country of origin of the store. You usually only need to enter your Amazon API codes and check the relevant categories. The default configuration is ideally suited to current needs. Only configure the module if you feel the need to do so and if you do not know the consequences of these settings.


Once the setup is completed, you will find the module active features:

  • In the Catalog tab > Amazon
  • In the Orders tab > Amazon for importing orders
  • On your product sheets, an Amazon sub-tab will appear, it will contain all options. (NB: these are optional)

Knowledge Required

The module does not require any special technical knowledge, but it might sometimes need an effort of general understanding and to know the operating mechanism of Amazon marketplace.

Before, it is imperative to understand the difference between an offer and a product, it is a common practice in all marketplaces. Read the page “Differentiate well between an offer and a product“. Once acquired, it will be understood that the submission of offers is named “Synchronization” and the one of products is “Creation.”

You will also need to read the document “Validate your catalog structure“, this one summarizes in a page how should your product sheet be to marketplaces. Once your catalog compliant, you can export to all marketplaces.

Most of the advanced features of the module are pretty self-explanatory after initial use of the module, having gained experience in the module and the marketplace.

Specific Terminology

Synchronization mode: it is a simple process of sending offers that do not require special skills or knowledge. It is this mode that is the most used because it allows you to update your inventory. To understand how it works, you only need to understand the principle of logging.

Creation mode: Creating Products that are not referenced by Amazon, and that do not have ASIN code. Note that the creation mode is optional. It is only necessary if your products do not exist on Amazon. This is a slightly more complex process requiring some knowledge of the marketplace and of course knowing his own catalog.
