You try to send your products in Creation Mode, but you get an error message in the report like this one:
Error 8541: SKU: 13092 - SKU 13092, ASIN B00B1RFCQI, ('item_name' Merchant: 'Lindt Création Coulis de Menthe' / Amazon: 'Coque Iphone 4 / 4S personnalisée Coquelicot ref 2015'). The product_id provided with 13092 corresponds to ASIN B00B1RFCQI, but some of the information submitted contradicts information in the Amazon catalog. If your product is the same as this ASIN, please modify your product data to reflect the following Amazon catalog values and resubmit. If your product is different than the ASIN, please check that the product_id is correct. If it is correct, please contact Seller Support for proper resolution.Feed ID: 0 For details, see
This is a classic correspondence error (or matching in the jargon).
That means that your product is considered as existent but is rejected by the Amazon automaton which has established that the product that exists in the database does not match the product you have sent.
There may be several reasons:
- Titles disconcordances, manufacturers, supplier references etc.
- Products having multiple EAN codes
- Different attributes, such as Amazon: Gray Color, Prestashop: Taupe Color
It just happens sometimes that a bad use is made of EAN codes, and one of your colleagues has created a product with an EAN code that does not match the product. In this case you must use mediation with Amazon, demonstrate to Amazon your good faith, and claim ownership of the product.
It is difficult to match its own products with existing ones on Amazon when there is an error in matching, but there are solutions:
1) Automatic creation of the offer:
You do not send the product in Creation Mode anymore, but in Synchronization Mode. Thus the module will tell Amazon to create an offer for this particular existing product, it will be then the product sheet known by Amazon that will be used.
2) Force the product ASIN code:
You are using the ASIN given by Amazon in the error message and you indicate it on the Amazon sub-tab of your product sheet.
In both cases, the created offer will be significantly different from your product on Prestashop but the offer will match (price / stock / State …). Just make sure that there is no major difference as a different product color for example.
This will be possible only if your product has no combinations.