Functioning, Tests

In the Scheduled Tasks tab, you will find a repricing section with two scripts, one for analysis and calculation of prices (Analysis), the other for sending the price feed calculated on Amazon.

The analysis script (Repricing – Analysis) will be triggered frequently and the sending script (Repricing – Export) periodically after several analysis. For a seller who has 10,000 SKUs on Amazon, it seems appropriate to start an analysis every 10 minutes, and a sending every 20 or 40 minutes (depending on the number of Amazon platforms you are requesting and your maximum usage quotas of the web-service).

For testing, we will trigger several times the analysis script that will produce an operations log, example;

ASIN: B008U5PRFK, agressivity: 2
Competite on Price: 154.07, Shipping: 0.00, Price+Shipping: 154.07, Score: 80
My Price: 170.72 Shipping: 6.00, Price+Shipping: 176.72, My Score: 60, Agressivity: Level: 20 / Rate: 0.0022, Calculated: 147.74
Competition Result: 153.74 against 154.07
Action:Sending Price Min.: 174.12
Final Price:174.09
Base Price:195.00
Limit:174.12 (+30%)
Strategy Source:Profile
Notification Date/Time:2015-06-29T07:28:21.490Z

The module displays all the calculations done, the repricing action, the information used to achieve the “Final Price” result, the price that will be sent to Amazon.

In cron mode, this log is saved into modules/amazon/log/, if you would like to display the log on your browser you just have to remove the parameter &cron=1 from the URL.

For more advanced users, they can add the parameter “&debug=1” to the URL to have the full details of operations, all the incoming and outgoing feeds and operations.

< Repricing
