Scheduled Tasks

The module will display new entries in the scheduled tasks, so you should follow the instructions on the Scheduled Tasks tab.

Note, however, that there are some particularities to report;

The analysis script (Repricing – Analysis) will be triggered frequently and the sending script (Repricing – Export) periodically after several analysis. For a seller who has 10,000 SKUs on Amazon, it seems appropriate to start an analysis every 10 minutes, and a sending every 20 or 40 minutes (depending on the number of Amazon platforms you are requesting and your maximum usage quotas of the web-service).

However, the configuration given by the module relates to an operation with PrestaShop Cronjobs module which is constrained at a frequency of 1 hour since the Cronjob module does not allow to go below an hour.

So if you want optimal performance and as described just before, you should contact your technical provider.

Note that in all cases, we will not provide any technical support for scheduled tasks since it is neither our responsibility nor our area of support.

< Repricing
