You have sent a feed to Amazon and you get the following error message when you request the report: Product Feed – N°: n Entry Result Error FeedProcessingResultNotReady Messages Logs Feed Submission Result is not ready for Feed n This message indicates that the file was received by Amazon, but it has recently been sent […]
Category: Frequent Issues
Request is throttled
The module displays the following message: Code: RequestThrottled Message: Request is throttled OR Code: QuotaExceeded Message: You exceeded your quota of 30.0 requests per 1 hour for operation Feeds/2009-01-01/SubmitFeed. Your quota will reset on … You’re trying to send too many requests to Amazon, you’ve exceeded the quotas set by Amazon. Quotas are explained on […]
No products to send on Amazon
By clicking on the send button get the following message: No products to send on Amazon No products to delete No products to export ! First, remove all the filters in the “Filters” tab of the configuration of the module, then; In Creation Mode: – Verify that the product is eligible – Check that the […]
Unable to find the expected product for order
You import your orders and you get an error message like this: Unable to find the expected product for order – #000-123456-12345678 ASIN: B0011ABCDE SKU: XXX-YYY – Skipping Order: Product count mismatch (000-123456-12345678) It simply indicates that the module cannot find the product in your database. You use the module for the first time : […]
Duplicate entries are not allowed – Product skipped
The log shows a message like the following message: Duplicate entry for product 01234567890(1/0) – Previously used by: 1/0 – This is not allowed – Product skipped… The concerned product is a duplicate, i.e. that the product reference is present at least twice in the database, which is incorrect. You must ensure that each product […]
Cannot associate image with an existing product
You obtain a message similar to this for your product feed: Error 20005: SKU: XXX-YYY – Cannot associate image with an existing product. For more details, see or Error 20005: SKU: XXX-YYY – Images could not be associated with this SKU. This error may be resolved by addressing other product data errors. For more […]
Inconsistency for the product (x/y) – The combination/variant has no Main Reference
The export log shows a message like this: Inconsistency for product (x/y) – Is a Combination/Variant and has no Master Reference The main article does not meet the recommendations for the catalog structure the main reference is missing. Your product has combinations, the main reference is the one present in your product sheet in the […]