You export your products and you get an error message like this one:

Products having a missing reference, Products Identifiers: [2/7, 2/8, 2/9, 2/10, 2/11, 2/12, 3/13, 3/14, 3/15, 4/16, 4/17, 4/18, 4/43, 4/44, 4/45, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22, 5/23, 5/24, 5/25, 5/26, 5/27, 5/28, 5/29, 5/30, 6/31, 6/32, 6/33, 6/40, 6/41, 6/42, 7/34, 7/35, 7/36, 7/37, 7/38, 7/39, 8/47, 8/48, 8/49, 8/50, 8/51]

It is a list of product and combination identifiers, in the format 1/2, 1 is the product ID, and 2 the combination one.

This list shows all products that do not have the “Reference” field filled in, for example:

The product reference is missing. Refer to how Validate your catalog structure.

You can then find a product displayed in this list of identifiers, thanks to its Product ID by searching in your catalog, for example: