Duplicate EAN Codes for the products


 You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Product “X/Y” – Duplicate EAN Code The concerned product contains a duplicate EAN, that means the product EAN code exists two or more times in the database, which is wrong. Common example of duplicate EAN code:   You must ensure that each […]

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Incorrect Code EAN for products…


 Vous exportez vos produits et vous obtenez un message d’erreur comme celui ci : Produit “demo_1” – Code EAN erroné – “9999399” Le produit concerné contient un EAN dont la clé de vérification est erronée, c’est à dire que le code EAN ne correspond pas aux spécifications GS1 ou n’a pas été émis par GS1. […]

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 Modules > Rakuten France > Configure > Settings Import/Export Type Default Value: By Reference (Highly Recommended) You will indicate whether the module will use the synchronization by reference (SKU) or by Product ID. The selection of the choice Product ID is generally not necessary and we recommend using the Reference field. Make sure that all […]

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