The Rakuten France API works in update mode, not in “purge and replace”, which means if no information is sent concerning a product it will just stay the same. You need to delete your products on Rakuten France directly in order to remove it. An other way is to mark the product as “Disabled” in […]
Category: Frequent Issues
Multistore frequent questions and problems
You have been redirected to this page most probably because you use the multistore mode of Prestashop, so you have to be aware of the most general cases, most frequently encountered; Contexts Using multistore, you agree to have read the correlative documentation of Prestashop and not to contact us for issues related to contexts; The […]
Marketplace self integration, how it works? what is the role of each?
You have been redirected to this page so that the context, the principle of self-integration of the catalog on a marketplace are well understood, how we operate, how to succeed your marketplace integration. Marketplace vs eBay It is often claimed that sending products on eBay is simpler and less burdensome, which is true. What for […]
FastCGI Some hosts operate under FastCGI and other by mod_php. The general usage for PrestaShop installations is mod_php. Our modules provide all kinds of diagnoses based on working with mod_php, only because it is the Prestashop standard. We remind you that we indicate systematically on our product sheets that our solutions are made to […]
Information – Common Errors
Modules > Rakuten France > Configure > Information The module performs environment and configuration verifications to ensure the proper functioning of your Prestashop module installation. If one of the messages is not listed on this page, do not hesitate to contact us, see the page on the support. PHP warnings: PHP Time or Memory limits: […]
Missing EAN Code
You export your products and you get an error message like this one: EAN code missing for the products, References: [demo_1, demo_2] It is a list of product references, you can find the product by pasting the reference in the search bar of Prestashop. This list shows all the products that have an unfilled “EAN” […]
Duplicate EAN Codes for the products
You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Product “X/Y” – Duplicate EAN Code The concerned product contains a duplicate EAN, that means the product EAN code exists two or more times in the database, which is wrong. Common example of duplicate EAN code: You must ensure that each […]
Incorrect Code EAN for products…
Vous exportez vos produits et vous obtenez un message d’erreur comme celui ci : Produit “demo_1” – Code EAN erroné – “9999399” Le produit concerné contient un EAN dont la clé de vérification est erronée, c’est à dire que le code EAN ne correspond pas aux spécifications GS1 ou n’a pas été émis par GS1. […]
Duplicate references for these products
You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Product Identifier “xxx-yyy” – Duplicate reference The concerned product is a duplicate, that means that the product reference is present at least twice in the database which is wrong. Example for duplicate: You must ensure that each product and each combination […]
Products having a missing reference
You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Product/Combination ID: 1/2 – Missing reference It is a product identifier and its combination identifier in the format 1/2, 1 is the product ID, and 2 the combination one. This message indicates that the product does not have the “Reference” field filled […]