Modules > CDiscount > Configure > Settings
Import/Export Type
Default Value: By Reference (Highly Recommended)
You will indicate whether the module will use the synchronization by reference (SKU) or by Product ID. The selection of the choice Product ID is generally not necessary and we recommend using the Reference field.
Make sure that all products have unique references as shown on page Validate your catalog structure, and only if this usage is not applicable, select by ID.
EAN Rule
You will be able to use an exemption from EAN or export your products only with an EAN code as shown in the preamble.
- If all of your products have EAN codes, select Normal ;
- If you do not have EAN codes and you are exempt, select Exempt ;
- If you have a mixed-use, products with EAN code and an exemption on another part of your catalog, choose mixed.
Automatic Alignment
You distribute products on which you have competitors and you want to automatically align your prices with those to be competitive, check this box. You will define an upper and lower range in your profile or you will determine a minimum and maximum price of the product.
Default Comment
It is possible to comment all of your offers, a quick competitive description, for example; Professional seller, Fast Shipping. You can then customize this message offer by offer on the product sheet extension.
Other settings
Discounts/Promotions: allow the module to export promotions and discounts on products, to export sales.
Short Description Field: You specify the Prestashop field used for the short description. The short description can contain 200 characters and HTML characters will be filtered.
Long Description Field: You specify the Prestashop field that contains the complete description of your product and which may contain HTML. The whole of this description will be sent.
State/Conditions: If you sell used goods, input all of the different states of your Prestashop store and do the correspondence with those of CDiscount.
Expert Mode: Activate this feature only on special request of Common-Services support.
Client Email (Expert Mode Only): Enter a alternative domain name (yours a priori) with which the module will create the account. This case should not normally happen, If you select No, a global account “CDiscount” will be used, all invoices will be grouped on a single account, useful in rare cases.
Taxes (Expert Mode Only): Let Yes in most cases.