Commissioning Prerequisites You will have validated the catalog structure you will need to differentiate well between an offer and a product you will have verified that your products are eligibles. Catalog > Amazon > Synchronization You will find your store categories in the categories tab of the module configuration. For synchronization, you will need to […]
Category: Documentation
Amazon categorization
Recommended browse node Categorization on Amazon is similar to a categorization on Prestashop but Amazon site being wide, it has been classified by nodes and node numbers, Amazon then refers to recommended browse node. To give you an idea, please go to the classifier: : : You specify one or more […]
Scheduled tasks
Modules > Amazon > Scheduled tasks For each platform, there is a list of scheduled tasks, allowing for example to automatically update your catalog on Amazon. They are commonly called “crons”. The module displays a list of all the tasks you need to configure in your “crontab“: Note that there are available solutions provided by […]
Synchronization mode
Prerequisites You will have validated the catalog structure you will need to differentiate well between an offer and a product you will have verified that your products are eligibles. Catalog > Amazon > Synchronization You access the send operations of the feed through the “Catalog > Amazon” tab, “Synchronization” section. An automatic export script […]
Technical Glossary
Synchronization Field Field used by Amazon to identify the product. This value is EAN for Europe, UPC for the United States. Overwrite Delivery Rates See the documentation on Amazon about it. Send Invoice by Email Emailing of the PDF invoice generated by Prestashop, according to Amazon recommendations. The email is sent via the email address […]
Creation Mode
Prerequisites You will have validated the catalog structure you will need to differentiate well between an offer and a product you will have verified that your products are eligibles, you will have read the Amazon categorization. Catalog > Amazon > Creation You access to the sending operations of products feed through the tab “Catalogs > […]