Duplicate references for these products


 You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Product Identifier “xxx-yyy” – Duplicate reference The concerned product is a duplicate, that means that the product reference is present at least twice in the database which is wrong. Example for duplicate:   You must ensure that each product and each combination […]

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Products having a missing reference


 You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Product/Combination ID: 1/2 – Missing reference It is a product identifier and its combination identifier in the format 1/2, 1 is the product ID, and 2 the combination one. This message indicates that the product does not have the “Reference” field filled […]

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Shipping: Not set


 You get in the integration report the following error: Shipping XX: Not Set – You must set the “XXX” mode in your seller interface Topic “My shipping settings” before entering the file data In your seller interface, you have most probably selected shipping modes:   In this example, Mondial Relay is selected. If Mondial Relay […]

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Permissions problem, write permissions


 The module displays an error message indicating that it is impossible to create the file. This is often due to a problem of permissions, write permission in the folders and files of the module. It must be verified that the module has the write permission in the export directory. Use your favorite FTP client, such […]

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Missing product description


 You export your products and you get an error message like this one: Incohérence pour le produit XXX-YYY(1/2) – “Description” manquant pour le produit The description field is a mandatory field to export products to the marketplace. Therefore, products cannot be exported without description. Please go to one of your products, and look what field […]

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Blank Page


 – When clicking on a tab of the module, a blank page is displayed or – After installing the module, when you click Configure, a blank page is displayed It can be a blank page or a page of Prestashop backoffice but truncated. In this case, it indicates that there may be an error behind […]

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