Module works with PrestaShop version 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, and Php version from 5.6.

You must have an AliExpress application, which is created in AliExpress console. This application provides credentials (appKey + appSecret) help to make communication between the module and AliExpress.

It’s a long process so be patient. You also need help of local operator from AliExpress to complete some steps.

Apply for AliExpress application

Full official documentation:

1. Register seller account

2. Basic setup

Includes service template, freight template, size template, brand permission. At least, you need create a freight template.

3. Create application

Official documentation:

Create self-developed AliExpress application.

The app will be reviewed by AliExpress staff then you will get an approval email.

Apply necessary permissions for application.

Follow instruction here:

All permissions are required, except AliExpress-Spain Retail

Add white list permission to to call API outside internal cloud